Employee Benefits

The Human Resources professionals of the companies on a daily basis must face various and complex issues in the management of the various benefits, which are complementary with respect to the salary paid to employees.
Therefore there is an ever greater need on the part of the companies to study and adopt new solutions.

The PCA Team can concretely support the companies, offering a series of “support programs” that:
01. Protect economically the workers in the event of illness or accident
02. Integrate the compulsory social security payments often in compliance with the provisions of the National Collective Work Contracts – such as for example that of Industrial Managers – or of company agreements and regulations in the case of second level agreements
These welfare programs are designed with different benefits according to the contractual status of the workers, and always have a clear aim: to incentivize and ensure the loyalty of the employees, the real capital of the company.
Over the years, PCA has signed appropriate conventions which, thanks to significant economies of scale, offer various and advanced forms of protection with competitive costs.
The traditional “support programs” cover:
01. Injuries
02. Permanent disability caused by disease
03. Temporary coverage for the event of death and total disability
04. Reimbursement of medical expenses
In order to support the insured even in those areas where the public welfare is reducing its coverage, we have created specific proposals for:
Long Term Care (LTC)
Dread disease
For Information
We provide advice on risk management in all business sectors with our dedicated Teams.
PCA operates internationally through the support of two independent networks offering timely and authoritative service in all parts of the world.
We are also affiliated with Net4Risk, the first Italian Risk Management network. We offer 360° consultancy services for corporate risk management.